Waimea Jingle Jamboree

Waimea Jingle Jamboree
Saturday, Dec 16, 2023 at 6:30am
Waimea Pier
Pokole Road

Makahiki Run- 2 mile obstacle run

630am checkin, 7am start time

2 mile beach run with 6 makahiki-inspired obstacles throughout

check in and parking at Waimea Pier

(Obstacles are optional, but will not be eligible to win if you do not complete them)

Lifting Competition- partner endurance challenge

930am checkin at MTC gym, 10am start time

Partner challenge (pick your own friend, or sign up alone- either way!)

2 exercises- bench press and squat

Set weight (men- bench: 95lb, squat: 135lb /// women- bench: 45lb, squat 95lb)

You and your partner have 10 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of bench press, in whatever number of sets etc. Then you will have a rest then move to 10 minutes of squat, for as many reps as you can. Goal is to strategize and take turns and get as many reps in as possible.

There will be a winner for fastest time in the run for male/female. Lift winners will be the pair with the highest number of total reps, men/women

In the evening, come back and join us to watch the annual holiday Light Parade through Waimea town at 6pm! (Keep in mind, the bridge shuts down so there will be no thru-traffic once the parade starts.)

Click Here For REgistration:

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